For me it is all about Istria, travel, experience and unforgettable memories…
I am passionate about what I offer and what I do. My mission is to reveal the hidden treasures of Istrian wines, wine cellars, vineyards, local cuisine and the natural beauty of the area.
My knowledge of the Istria region comes from my personal experiences. Before I founded my Istria Wine Tours company I used to go every weekend for my own tours around Istria and Gorski Kotar. I always had a plan where to go, what to see, where to eat… I have been always huge fan of local konobas – family run restaurants, walks through vineyards and olive groves… in each town, each village I would find something extraordinary, unknown to the outside world… I have visited many exceptional places and now I want to share them with others.
I have been connected with tourism since 2001 year when as a student of Croatian and Serbian Studies and Languages I left Poland to work for Polish tour-operator as on-site representative in Croatia. Since then, tourism has become my passion and main occupation. In 2006 I moved permanently to Rovinj. I have set up my own tourism agency and organized and led tours in Croatia.
I am a tourist too and when I travel I desire is to experience the very best from visited destinations. When you come to Istria to discover its wines, cuisine, culture, historical heritage and traditions I will do our best to make you feel like one of us, like a local!
“Highlight of our stay in Rovinj”
We took a wine tour with Agnieszka of Istria Wine Tours, and it was the highlight of our stay in Croatia. "Aggie" picked the four of us up right outside our apartment door in Old Town Rovinj. We picked up another couple just outside of town and started out on our adventure. Aggie was the perfect guide - she spoke excellent English and was very passionate and knowledgeable about wine and Croatia. Because we were running early for our first winery tour, we stopped at a lookout over the beautiful Lim Fjord. The first winery tour, like all the others was wonderful. Each winery was different and seemed to have been selected for their interesting characteristics, and the wine at all was delicious. After the first tour, Aggie took us to the hilltop town of Groznjan where we spent an hour exploring, shopping and enjoying a glass of wine. Our trip included two more wonderful wineries and a delicious "early dinner" at a konaba. The food was amazing (pasta with truffles, beef from a local breed of cow, etc., etc.) and the wine was delicious. The price of the food (the dinner and food at all three wineries) was included in the tour. A most informative, enjoyable and delicious day at a very reasonable price, and I can't recommend it any more highly!
“Wonderfull Day”
Der Tag war perfekt durch organisiert.
Abholung am Hotel erfolgte Minutengenau. Wir waren insgesamt 6 Personen.
Die Erklärungen und Führungen fanden in englischer Sprache statt und waren sehr umfangreich.
Wir haben insg. 3 Weingüter besucht wobei hierbei eine deutliche Steiferung von Erfahrung und Klasse der Weine zu spüren war. Ich selbst habe hier 2 Highlights erlebt. Unglaublich schöne Weingüter, wie man sie in Kroation garnicht vermuten mag.
Vor der letzten Weinverkostung gab es noch einen Besuch in einer wirklich hervorragenden Konoba mit excellentem, landestypischen Essen.
Und die letzte Verkostung bereitet mir heute noch Gänsehaut. Alles Perfekt. Wetter, Lage, Weine, Snacks.
Ein alles in allem wirklich gelungenes Event.
Danke Agnieska :)
“Avis aux amateurs de vin qui aiment sortir des sentiers battus pour découvrir l'Istrie”
La côte de l'Istrie offre aux amoureux de nombreuses criques pour se baigner en toute tranquillité. Mais l’arrière pays réserve également bien des surprises aux amateurs de vin. C’est ainsi que nous avons découvert, en compagnie de notre guide Agnieszka, une tradition viticole qui remonte à l’Antiquité : avec 100 cépages autochtones et 300 terroirs classés. Sans oublier les techniques ancestrales pratiquées par certains viticulteurs qui font encore mûrir leurs vins dans des amphores, comme au temps des Romains! Avec mon épouse nous avons dégusté au cours de notre périple quelques uns des meilleurs vins de propriétaire. Une façon originale de combiner la culture, l’architecture médiévale et la visite de plusieurs vignobles où le propriétaire vous accueille dans ses caves en toute simplicité pour une dégustation de vins, accompagnée des produits du terroir : fromages de brebis, jambon d’Istrie, olives, fruits secs, asperges sauvages et truffes. J’ai particulièrement apprécié le Muskat qui n’a rien à envier à nos meilleurs vins français.